SCORM Uploading

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SCORM Uploading


The learning path tool allows you to upload SCORM, AICC and LMS compliant course contents.


SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a public standard followed by major e-Learning figures like NETg, Macromedia, Microsoft, Skillsoft etc that acts at three levels:


Economic level: Scorm allows whole courses or small content units to be reused on different Learning Management Systems (LMS) through the separation of content and context.
Pedagogic level: Scorm integrates the notion of pre-requisite or sequencing (e.g. "You cannot go to chapter 2 before passing Quiz 1").
Technological level: Scorm generates a table of contents as an abstraction layer situated outside the content and the LMS. It helps the content and LMS communicate with each other. Communication is performed by means of bookmarks ("Where is John in the course?"), scoring ("How did John pass the test?") and time ("How much time did John spent in chapter 1?").


To upload a SCORM package:


1.Enter the course Learning Paths section () and click New > Import SCORM package () button on the Course Learning Paths page.


Fig. ‘Uploading SCORM Compliant Course’


2.Fill in the form fields as described in the following table:




Enter name

Enter a name for the newly created learning path.

Choose a file from your computer

If a SCORM package is stored on the local computer, press the Browse button and select a necessary file.

Choose a file uploaded into Joomla 'Media' folder via FTP

Sometimes a SCORM package file can be too large. In this case it is easier to upload a file to the server using the FTP manager instead of common web interface. Such files are placed into the Media folder located in the Joomla site root folder. To import a file from the Media folder, specify only the name of the uploaded file in the Choose a file field.

Short description

Enter a description for the uploaded SCORM module. Use the embedded Visual Editor to format the description text.


Select Yes to to make the package available for Students, select No to unpublish the package.

Hide resources in the list

You might need this option if you add SCORMs as steps to learning path's chapters. Once you've added a SCORM you don't want it to be visible on the Learning paths page, for it's assigned in order for student to open it when they pass the Learning path. To make it invisible choose the Yes radio button.

Show in Gradebook

Select if you want the SCORM module to be visible in the course GradeBook; otherwise select Hide.

SCORM display height

Specify the height of the SCORM module.

SCORM navigation bar

Select Show if you want the navigation bar to be visible; otherwise select Hide.

SCORM layout type

Choose Inline layout  if you wish your SCORM to be shown in the standard way.  Choose SqueezeBox Window layout to open your SCORM in lightbox-styled JS popup window so that you won’t need to scroll or resize your large resolution SCORM packages.

Time released

If you wish this SCORM to become published in a certain period after a student's enrollment you can use this feature to determine a period after which the SCORM will be published. Check Yes if you wish to enable this feature, otherwise check No. Enter the necessary time period in days, hours and minutes.


Once the learning path is saved you can configure its prerequisites. Prerequisites are other learning paths that a student must complete before moving on to this one. The available learning paths are listed in the drop-down box. Anytime you edit a learning path you can change its prerequisites - add the new and delete the existing ones.


3.When finished, click Save () button in the top left corner of the form to add SCORM package; click Cancel () button to discard changes and close the form.


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